Choose Growth over Perfection

Jan 1, 2023    Weston Lundgren

Sunday, January 1st, 2023

Opening Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:17

Sermon Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:1-7

- 'I haven't been here long enough to really say where we've been or for that matter to say for sure where we're going, but I've seen alot of things that I'm really excited about.' - Pastor Weston Lundgren

- 'I think it's really important as we consider the sort of church that we want to be that we don't make our goals to be a perfect church, because a perfect church tends to be just something that's put together in our minds and at the end of the day it's not a place where we're going to really be able to follow God. It's a place for very plastic people. On the flip side, we really want to be a healthy church; a church where people are growing. ' - Pastor Weston Lundgren

- 'A healthy church is not a perfect church. It's not a church where everybody already has it figured out, because we don't right, God isn't done with us yet.' - Pastor Weston Lundgren

- 'It's good to be a part of a healthy church where people are growing; where WE are growing!' - Pastor Weston Lundgren

- 'He's brought us together, not only from different backgrounds but He's also given us different gifts, and our goal is to work together as different people to express those gifts.' - Pastor Weston Lundgren

- 'Church is not a place that I go to find other people that are like me; it's a place that I go to find other people that are becoming like Christ' - Pastor Weston Lundgren