Week 1: Hope
This is a series that follows through the key themes of the Advent season;
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, and Christ.
This is part 1 or 'week 1' on HOPE from Sunday, November 27th, 2022
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:22-38
KEY VERSE: Romans 15:13
- 'We can have hope, even in the face of difficulty, not because of what we have done but because of what Jesus has done for us' - Pastor Weston Lundgren
- 'There's so many things that we might hope for in this world and be disappointed in because at the end of the day there are no guarantees, but in Christ we have a covenant between God and man and that covenant is made perfect; the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, and that is good reason to have hope' - Pastor Weston Lundgren
- 'When we share our hope it is all about the trustworthiness of God;
when we share the hope that is within us it is not about us, it is about Jesus' - Pastor Weston Lundgren